What do you all think… Should I revamp and use the portals? I can see portals for a few different things:
1) Mfrs with lots of content sprinkled around the wiki. This can help users find content related to that mfr.
2) Different portals major DCC topics - wiring, how DCC works as a deep dive to items like ‘DCC Power’ and DCC Signal Encoding / Decoding.
3) Newbie section on topics to read in order to get started on DCC
Content of the portals:
1) Link to content that’s mostly related to that specific topic.
2) LInks to FAQ
3) Content that has been recently updated when relating to the topic. This will be auto-generated using semantic mediawiki like the homepage.
4) Make as much of the content auto-generating as possible. Proper use of categories is required.
Thoughts? Opinions?
OR — Should I just clean all that out and remove the namespace?